What is Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?
GDAX recently added Bitcoin Cash (BCH), not to be confused with Bitcoin (BTC). If you would like to know more about the differences between BTC and BCH, you can read more on Slate.
Where does the data come from?
The live price information comes from GDAX, which is the underlying cryptocurrency exchange of the Coinbase app. We are not affiliated with GDAX nor Coinbase. The historic chart data comes from the Cryptocompare API.
Why do some currencies show BTC price instead of GBP?
Some currencies do not exchange for GBP on the GDAX exchange. Instead of showing a conversion rate based upon the USD price, which would be misleading and inaccurate, we display the price of altcoins in BTC – which is an exchange that GDAX does support.
Where do the news articles come from?
They are scraped from various news sources, looking for keywords relevant to cryptocurrency trading and investing. We do not hand select them and the opinions of any posted news article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of SimpleTicker.
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